Call for Bidding

Gender Training

Funded By

➢    Deadline for receiving offer: 20 February 2024

➢    The bidding for individual’s consultant and consultancy firms

➢    Documents to be submitted: –

Technical and financial Offer for the study (all travel cost for those who located outside Aswan to be illustrated separately in the financial offer).

  • Agency or company C.V (information about the company and research team).
  • C.V of the leading team.
  • Copy of Commercial register.
  • Copy of tax card.
  • Copy of VAT certification.

Soft or hard copies to be sent to: –

  •  Hard copy: – by courier to address: Om Habibeh Foundation – EL Sadat Road, opposite of Dr. Soliman Hospital, Aswan
  1. Background:

The Om Habibeh Foundation (OHF) is an Egyptian non-profit organization established in 1991 under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. OHF is the implementation agency for the Aga Khan Foundation Egypt and is an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network of organizations and was founded by Om Habibeh Mohamed Shah Aga Khan to contribute to and support local communities in the governorate of Aswan in areas including health care, education, and providing income for deprived communities through long-term development activities. OHF works in the following areas: Continuing Education, Civil Society, Agriculture and Food Security, Economic Inclusion, Women Empowerment and Early Childhood Development.

Om Habibeh Foundation will implement the project “Enhancing the community participation of youth and girls including people with disabilities, for better rehabilitation” funded by the GIZ – Equal Opportunities & Social Development (EOSD), which aims at strengthening social participation practices in targeted communities and develop capacities of rehabilitation entities. These activities will result in 1) building the capacities of government and civil leaders , in the area of integrating the target groups in society and ensuring their participation ,2( building the capacities of young women , men and people with disabilities in the areas of work and leadership skills, 3( facilitating access of young women , men and people with disabilities to the services provided to them in the community and 4( raising awareness of families of persons with disabilities to promote the inclusion and participation of their family members in the local community

  1. scope and purpose of work:

Within the scope of the assignment, the consultant/consultancy firm is expected to provide consultancy services for the below-listed activities.

  • To conduct a training to the government officials and (civil society ) CSOs leader on Gender consideration and integrate girls and women in planning and implementing related activities, implement two group etch group 25 participant. Training programs may include the following:

a) Key definitions and concepts of Gender equality

b) Gender Roles

c) Co Gender gaps, gender bias and stereotypes and strategies to address them.

d) Gender analysis

e) Gender mainstreaming in the development projects

f) Approaches to conduct awareness raising activities on gender issues in their villages.  

g) Strategies to engage women in community participation.

h) Develop gender action plan to mainstream gender within their work.

  • Conduct gender workshop for youth, girl including person with disabilities 16 to 29 years from Aswan city, Draw, Kom Ombo and Edfu. workshop programs may include the following topics:

a) Key definitions and concepts of Gender equality

b) Gender Roles

c) Gender gaps, gender bias and stereotypes and strategies to address them.

d) Different between the gender and roles.

  1. Targeted audience:

a) 50 participants from CSOs and government staff.

b) 200 youth, girls and persons with disabilities participating from the age group 16 to 29 year, from Aswan city, Draw, Com Ombo and Edfu.

  1. The key expected outcomes:
  • The trainee (CSOs “civil society and governmental) will be able to: obtain good knowledge on how to plan an effective inclusion of women in community participation activities and they have a plan.
  • The trainee (youth )will be able to: obtain good knowledge.

5. Deliverables:

Reporting Products/Activities


Due date/

Deadlines for submission


Inception report

·         should include the following:

methodologies, training agenda and timeline, training presentation.  


To be submitted after a week of signing the contract

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

Preparation for training

·         Training materials (session plan, power point/ handouts training material)

·         Pre and post-tests


·         Sample of delivered certificate for trainees.

·         Form for plan

Should be delivered within one week after agreeing on the inception   

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

Deliver the workshops

·          (Session plan/ power point/ handouts- …. etc.)

·         Report for the group including the analyses for pro & post test.

·         Pre= post test


Should be delivered within one week after delivery each group.    

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

action plans

The consultant/consultancy firm should submit for action plans that had been developed with each group from CSOs.  


Should be delivered to the project manager by the end of the tanning group.  

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF

Submit the final report

The consultant should submit the final report based on the comments and the recommendations of the OHF team.

The report of the training that should include a summary of the training, the performance of the trainees and the recommendations of the trainer

Within 2 weeks from finishing the mission.

Report should be submitted in both Arabic and English languages

Note: reports should be submitted as hard copy and soft copy (in word doc. /excel) in Arabic and English language.

6. Time Frame:

  • Exceeding 16 working days (8 Hours) including (delivering the workshop for 2 groups (2:3 days for each group)  of civil society and governmental staff and 8 groups of youth (one day workshop), preparation for workshop and material, and reporting) within the period on Feb .2024.

7. Payments:

  • Deliverables will be used as the basis for invoice processing and payment. The Consultant will be held responsible for all the deliverables.
  • Payments will be made within 15 days upon the approval of the corresponding deliverables.
  • If the deliverables are not produced and delivered by the consultant to the satisfaction of the OHF team, no payment will be made till the consultant updates and modifies the deliverables based on OHF requirements.

8. Required qualifications:

The consultant (and his/her team) must demonstrate the following qualifications:

  • Experience of not less than 4 years in gender with NGOs.
  • Have experience in working with youth and persons with disabilities.
  • previously worked in Upper Egypt.
  • Proven experience in conducting training.
  • Conducting training in Arabic language.

9.  The consultant Selection Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated out of a total of 100 points, with 70 points allocated against technical criteria, and 30 points allocated against financial. Any bidder with an incomplete proposal will be disqualified.

a) Proved experience of at least 4 years (Profile of the consultant explaining why they are the most suitable for the work, Relevant Experience, CVs.) (40%).

    • Experience in delivery training. (15%)
    • Experience in working with CSOs and government. (20%)
    • Work with Persons with disabilities. (5%)

b) Detailed methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines, (40%)

    • Detailed methodology specifically includes person with disability in training. (20%)
    • Framework and timeline (20%)

c) The possibility of providing material and a certificate for the trainees. It is preferable to give a form. (20%)


OHF has policies and systems in place to prevent sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation, harassment bullying, and sexual harassment. It is also to safeguard children, adults, our teams, consultants, volunteers, partners, beneficiaries, and all stakeholders. OHF will ensure a workplace culture built on respect, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion.


OHF is committed to supporting gender equality in all of its programmes and internal operations by eliminating sex discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment and promoting equality for women and men in all hiring process starting from open call for a position, interview process, selection process, salary, benefits…etc

12.Contact Information:

Any questions concerning this assignment should be directed to:

Hard copy: - by courier to address: Om Habibeh Foundation – EL Sadat Road, opposite of Dr. Soliman Hospital, Aswan

Soft copy: - to e-mail address:

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