TOR Fundraising Capacity

Call for Bidding
Improving Local Development Dynamics (ILDD)
Build CSOs fundraising capacity

Deadline for receiving offers: 6th June 2023

➢    The bidding for individual’s consultant and consultancy firms

➢    Documents to be submitted: –

  • Technical and financial Offer for the study.
  • Agency or company C.V (information about the company and research team).
  • C.V of the leading team.
  • Copy of Commercial register.
  • Copy of tax card.
  • Copy of VAT certification.

➢     Soft or hard copies to be sent to: – Hard copy: – by courier to address: Om Habibeh Foundation – EL Sadat road, opposite of Dr. Soliman Hospital, Aswan / Soft copy: – to e-mail address: –



  1. Background:

Om Habibeh Foundation (OHF) presents an action entitled Improving Local Development Dynamics (ILDD).  The overall objective of the Action is to support the European Commission’s objective to strengthen Civil Society Organizations (CSO)and Local Authorities (LA) by enhancing the role and effectiveness of 36 civil societies organizations and to deliver inclusive and gender responsive development services in villages in four districts of Aswan governorate: Kom Ombo, Daraw, Aswan, and Edfu.

To achieve this, the action will enable communities to optimize the resources available to them and work as a cohesive unit, and Directly Target Vulnerable Groups – by strengthening LAs and CSOs to target vulnerable groups who are less able to support themselves. Through these efforts, development actors will build trust between communities while investing in women, whose success will strengthen the local economy and society overall.

The Action will focus on benefitting disadvantaged groups within the community, primarily women and chronically ill persons, while strengthening the capacity of CSOs. Women, youth and marginalized communities are not presently able to take part in the decision-making structures of CSO boards that are primarily composed of elderly men from influential families, thus reinforcing cultural norms and the limitations of women’s access and control over resources.

  1. Objective:

The overall objective of this mission is to build the capacity of the partner CSOs’ in fundraising, and in conducting fundraising campaigns with the CSOs. The consultant/consultancy firm should use OHF philanthropic analysis tool’s results and donors’ map that was developed previously by OHF (will be provided after contracting), that would help the “CSOs” to meet the needs of their communities by maximizing the use of local resources from individuals, donor organisations, larger national or international NGOs, and business enterprises through in person training and on job training methodologies.

Targeted audience:

Improve the Local Development Dynamic (ILDD) project’s 36 CSOs’ board members.


  1. Scope and purpose of work:

Within the scope of the assignment, the consultant/consultancy firm is expected to provide consultancy services for the below listed activities:

A)  To conduct a training for 36 CSOs in three groups. Each group 12 CSOs members will participate. Each training should last for 3 days on:

  • Fundraising concepts.
  • Identify the leadership skills required to manage fundraising in NGOs, public /private sector institutions.
  • Build and nurture NGOs-public-private partnerships.
  • Identify the variety of fundraising options available.
  • Recognize the pros and cons of each of the available fundraising options
  • Understand the tasks required to implement a fundraising campaign.
  • Produce a plan to market fundraising effort.
  • Produce a plan to communicate regularly with all potential stakeholders.
  • Monitor the implementation of fundraising campaigns and take corrective action, as needed.

B) Develop a detailed training manual to be distributed to the trainees of the fundraising training.

C) Develop with the 36 CSOs fundraising campaigns’ plans based on OHF philanthropic analysis tool’s results and donors’ map; these plans should be matching the new NGOs’ law.

  1. Roles and responsibilities of OHF

OHF will provide the following:

  • OHF reserves the right and will conduct its own monitoring checks on a portion of the conducted activities by the external partner. If checks do not meet quality standards regarding integrity of results and findings, OHF will reserve its right to request a repetition of work or the option of declining payment (being reimbursed for any initial payment).
  • The consultant/consultancy firm and all related personnel/members of the mission team will not be accompanied by OHF staff members. However, the consultant and all related personnel need to subscribe to respecting the core values of OHF of diversity and inclusion, integrity, and commitment.
  • It is an absolute requirement of OHF and a condition of this agreement that no person or body who/which carries out work on OHF’s behalf pursuant to this agreement is or has been or becomes in any way involved in or associated with the abuse or exploitation of vulnerable groups as described in the global safeguarding manual of OHF that will be provided for successful candidate.
  • The consultant/consultancy firm carries the sole responsibility for all related personnel and needs to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place to deal with any complaints and other human resources issues that may emerge.
  • All reports, databases, best practice documents and other related information is the sole property of OHF and may not be distributed.
  1. Consultant’s deliverables:

Reporting Products/Activities


Due date/

Deadlines for submission


Inception report

·         The report should include the following:

methodologies, training agenda, training session plan, training manual fundraising campaign plan sample, an action plan for conducting four fundraising campaigns, and a detailed mission timeline.  

·         The consultant/consultancy firm should review OHF philanthropic analysis tool’s results and donors’ map to plan accordingly

To be submitted after a week of signing the contract

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

A three-day fundraising training for three groups of CSOs

·         Training materials package (session plan/ power point/ handouts)

·         Pre and post tests

·         Sample of delivered certificate for trainees.

Should be delivered within one week after agreeing on the inception   

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

Training Manual

The consultant/consultancy firm should submit a detailed training manual of the fundraising training which should include all the content of the delivered training in details along with the session plan, the power point presentation and the activities.


Should be finished and shared with the inception report and delivered to the trainees within the training

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF team

36 fundraising plans

The consultant/consultancy firm should submit the detailed 36 fundraising campaigns plans that had been developed with each of the partner CSOs.

Should be delivered to the program manager/ project officer by the end of the training

to be reviewed and agreed with OHF

Submit the final report

The consultant should submit the final report based on the comments and the recommendations of OHF team.

The report of the training that should include a summary of the training, the performance of the trainees and the recommendations of the trainer

Within 1 week from finishing the mission.

Report should be submitted in both Arabic and English languages

Note: All the required deliverables should be submitted as hard copy and soft copy (in word doc. /excel)


  1. Quality Assurance of the Deliverables:
  • The service provider is responsible for demonstrating enough data quality assurance procedures are considered.
  • The service provider will ensure that all deliverables are submitted in a timely manner.
  • The training and reports should meet quality standards.
  1. Payments:
  • Deliverables will be used as the basis for invoice processing and payment. The service provider will be held responsible for all the deliverables.
  • Payments will be made within 15 days upon the approval of the corresponding deliverables.
  • If the deliverables are not produced and delivered by the consultant to the satisfaction of OHF team, no payment will be made till the consultant update and modify the deliverables based on OHF requirements.




Signing the contract

Submitting all the needed legal documents

25% after signing the contract

Conducting one fundraising training for two groups of partner CSOs

After delivering training’s report on fundraising

75 % of the total contract payment

  1. Time Frame:

 10 weeks starting from the date of signing the contract.

  1. Required qualifications:

The consultant (and his/her team) should demonstrate the following qualifications:

  • Minimum of three (3) years of relevant experience in the CSOs fundraising and resource mobilization field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience working with Civil Society Organizations in Upper Egypt.
  • Good communication and drafting skills.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. Demonstrates Integrity and ethical standards.
  1. Documentation Required
  • Personal CV indicating all past experiences from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least 3 professional references.                      

11- Service Provider Selection Criteria

      -Proposals will be evaluated out of a total 100 points, with 70 points allocated against technical criteria, and 30 points allocated against financial criteria. Any bidder with an incomplete proposal will be disqualified.

The technical and financial evaluation of the bidders will be conducted using below criteria:


Technical Criteria                                                  Technical Sub-Criteria                                   Maximum


Overall Response

Completeness of response


Overall concord between Request for proposal

requirements, meetings with project team and proposal


Company and Key Personnel

(Range and depth of experience with similar projects

Civil Society Organizations experience


Relevant work experience in fundraising preferably in

upper Egypt


Proposed Project Methodology

and Approach

Project plan clearly described-comprising clearly defined

tasks, activities, milestones, and personnel deployment plan


The outline of the fundraising training


Time frame                                                                                           


Efficiency of resource deployment


Subtotal Technical Criteria



Financial Proposal

Clearly defined budget lines with breakdown of human

resources, logistics, communication, admin costs etc.


Realistic costing of budget items as per the market rates

in Egypt


Justification of costing with support of realistic and

evidence-based assumptions


Subtotal Financial Criteria




Technical + Financial Criteria


 12. Contact Information:



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